Tomorrow is the ride... Can't believe that it is here already... It is time to think if we have missed anything or what else needs to be done before the big event!
There are so many people out there that we want to thank for their support! Without the support from our family, friends, and God we couldn't of made it this far! And mainly from the support from the people that are willing to take their time out to come on this ride with us! We have worked hard at getting items for donations, preparing food for after the ride (75 lbs of burger!) Also to haul the items to the event! We have some bigger items this year!
I was asked last night, 'Do you think that you have 100 donation gifts?'. I told them "Yes I think we do plus"! Times have been tough this year, but with the event that we are working with, I do think that it hits home for allot of people!
When we were at Amigo's Wed night selling T-shirts we have I don't know how many people come up & let us know that they have fought breast cancer, their family has had it or they know someone with it... it was amazing & sent shivers up & down my spin...I can't imagine how they feel...
One special person that I want to thank I want to thank for all her help is Brooke Bickford & KKEZ! We had an interview at the radio station on Wed and she made us feel so comfortable & welcomed! And every day that I listen to the radio when she is on, she is talking about our ride & letting people know about the event! I am hoping with all this chat on the radio, signs up & everything that we have an awesome turn out!! Lets hope so anyway!
And one other person that I want to acknowledge is my sister! With out her vision about this ride 3 years ago we wouldn't be where we are today! There are days that we don't see eye to eye & days that we are grouchy at each other...but... without each other we would be lost! I keep after her & she after me... kinda each others support on those days that we don't want to get out of bed...
We have both worked hard at getting things going for this ride! Then we brought in another gal last year - Dawn Wesley... I was surprised that she wanted to help us this year! She worked her hinny off last year keeping things rolling for us, so that we could do the ride. We have put our full trust into Dawn, she is a one of a kind person, she is our precious rock to make sure that we are all on the right page! I know things would not run as smoothly without her. So Thank you Dawn for all you do! I know there are days that don't look good, but you are a true friend~ thank you!!
Well off to get more things done this morning... time is a ticking away! Need to get things ready to ride!
Hope to see you all tomorrow at the Angel Ride to Save the TaTas!
~Angel Ride Girl
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