Thursday, September 27, 2012
Oct 14th Walk
Good evening... Michelle at the FD Crossroads Mall is hosting a Walk for the Angel Ride to Save the TaTas! This will be held on Oct 14th with info coming out Oct 1st! Hope everyone can come out to walk for the event... she is hoping to have other things going on through out the mall, lets just hope it is a good turn out! I will post more info as it comes along!
You know it is odd about how many you meet while working on this event, hearing peoples stories about losing a loved one, being a survivor, knowing a friend or family member fighting daily for their life... and all have said that "Early Detection Saves Lives" so as Oct draws near, make sure that you all get your mammograms, and go to your doctors visits, as we want to hear that there is no more breast cancer, as far as that goes any cancer at all... what a wonderful world this would be, "Cancer Free"
Thanks again for following along with me... Lets all ride safe, and enjoy life as if it was our last day!
~~Angel Ride Girl~~
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Where is the summer gone?
I know I have been very bad at writing the blog this year, after the ride, I needed a break so went on vacation for a week, and you know something... close your eyes for a moment & the summer is almost over... Put the brakes on, back up a moment... not ready for the fall & winter yet!
I do want to thank all of those that helped on the Angel Ride, rode it, donated items for it, worked it, bought items to support it, well just everyone that support our cause! I can't believe the turn out we had... 505 riders plus! There were people from the towns that came out to support us in the towns we rode thru... Met some more amazing people this year! Hope to stay in touch with them down the rode! All the stops we had are awesome & I would tell people to stop there any time! Friendly & have even been asked to bring the TaTa ride back through any time!
Anyone knows that putting together an event especially as big as ours is, it is not the easiest thing to do, unless you have good helpers to back you up! Not everyone could help all the time, but they came out when the time was right!
I will get back on here with pictures when I can... My cameras battery went out, so had to borrow my best friends camera, so now need to get those from her!
Thanks again for following me, I will try (I said try) to be better at this!
Take Care & Ride Safe!
Angel Ride Girl
Friday, July 13, 2012
FRIDAY July 13th
Good Morning~
Waking up to the cooler breeze coming in the window... I listen and hear there are little rain drops coming down outside! Hum, I hope that it gets all done sprinkling before this afternoon, I know we need the rain, but on the other hand, tonight is our Angel Ride pre-registration party at Sneakers!
We have worked so hard in getting donations, putting together baskets, arranging things to be done & the Dueling Pianos will be playing tonight, so hope the rain gets it over with by lets say 12-1pm!
We got the trailer pretty much loaded up with everything but the chairs for Saturday. Tonight things will be loaded in trucks! I hope we don't forget anything... Yes I am nervous! I want this to be a good event!
Remember Friday the 13th most people think its unlucky, for us working for people with breast cancer, we are hoping its luckier than any other Friday the 13th, as breast cancer doesn't skip Friday the 13th because its worried about it...
~~Angel Ride Girl
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Counting down to the day!
Today is Thursday! Our pre-party is tomorrow... where has all the time gone? Wow!
We are still getting in donations & some awesome things at that! The trailer is getting loaded up daily, slowly, as we have to be careful what goes into it!
I want to say that after typing up the testimonies of the people who have used our services this last year, it gives me more reason to make this years a success! I will put some of those at the bottom here! It is amazing how they fight daily, and appreciate all the efforts we do to make sure this is a good event! So it makes me want to work as hard as I can to get this done! Sleep who needs that right!
Thanks ahead of time for all that are planning to come to the pre-registration party on Friday night at Sneakers here in Ft Dodge, sorry to those that don't as I am sure you will miss a GREAT TIME!
HUGS to you all!!
Ride Safe Until Next Time~
Angel Ride Girl
Sometimes you have to go through things and not around them. Thank you to the Save the TaTas group for helping me with my co-payments. Bless all of you for what you do for the breast cancer people & for helping me go through the breast cancer journey. ~Thanks
I have lived, laughed, loved & lost. I have cried, mourned & grieved, hoped, prayed & healed. I have found strength & true believing. I AM A SURVIVOR! You made my journey with breast cancer easier due to your support. Thank You to the “Save the TaTas” group!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Today is Friday July 6th! And it is one week from the ride!
We have had so many nice donations come in, and meeting so many great people along the way!
Planning this ride takes allot of work but when you step back and look at the people you meet working on the planning, and stops that we have at the bars, the people that own and work there it has been amazing! Plus the locals that are helping them to make their stop a huge success!
TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! One person cannot to this on their own, it takes many people to make something like this a success! And I want to thank all those that help us out whether it is in the planning stag, a stop area, giving a donation, or buying a shirt, it takes many many people!
A couple places I want to thank is Lynch's over in Rockwell City, Mike & Julie were so nice by letting us set up for their bike night 2 weeks in a row! Those were the only bike nights we had this year! And to Sportsters in Newell, Oh My have they bought the most shirts ever in one area that we stop at! It shows how much the town comes out to support them!
Well I have much to work on before next week! Thanks again for following my blog! Until next time!
Ride Safe ~ Angel Ride Girl
Picture is Big Daddy Addy DJ from Lynchs in Rockwell City!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th to everyone...
I am going to vent alittle tonight!
This morning when my son took off to go hang out with his girlfriend, to watch a parade, and enjoy his girlfriends family time & fire works, never in my wildest dream would I have ever thought that he'd call us with an accident...
Yep... some stupid guy (and I am choosing my words lightly & nicely) backed into my son while he was on his bike at a stop sign... He had a lawn service truck and trailer (wont say the name)! As my son was sitting behind him on his bike, at a stop sign, this guy backs up and hits him, his trailer backs up enough that the bike tire is stuck under it! He gets out & asks if son is ok, said "I didn't mean to..." blah blah blah drives off... yes my son is okay, but we will have to trailer the bike home!
What kind of idiot would do this... Tomorrow there is going to be some calls made... my son worked hard to pay for his bike! Its not new or fancy but it is his & he paid for it all by himself! And to have this guy drive off no name or anything, only good thing was he had a company truck... what is this world coming to?
Please people watch out when you are driving your cars, trucks, buses or motorcycles out there, you never know whats going to happen to you or your family. It could be your loved one that is hit by a lawn service truck :(
Ride Safe~
Angel Ride Girl
Friday, June 29, 2012
2 weeks from today! WOW!
Greetings to all you out there... Today marks 2 weeks until the pre-registration party & ride begins! I can't believe it!
This has been a busy week! Tues some of us girls were at Lynch's at Rockwell City! I want to say to them that their DJ "BIG DADDY ATTY" is an awesome guy! Not only did he help us unload the shirts to sell, he coached people to come up and buy shirts from us! He himself bought a "Dudes for Boobs" shirt and took off his shirt to put on our shirt right out in the open!! Talk about a COOL DUDE!! We also got to visit with a gal that is going through treatments right now! This is her 2nd bout with it, and I was amazed that she had such an awesome attitude about it! We had an awesome Bike nite there & they want us to come back again next week! :)
Thursday we had another planning meeting and this meeting was a bit special as we had a new member start. She happened to call me a week ago and then again on Wed night! She is a survivor and has joined our group to help others! She is an awesome lady! Can't wait to get to know her more!
This coming Monday we will be putting together baskets for the silent & live auctions in two weeks! We have so many awesome donations, thanks to so many caring people! The flag that I have pictured at the top of the page is a IOWA flag signed by the head, Basketball , Football & Wrestling coaches of IOWA college! This is not a common donation and was told it was very rare to get those all to sign something at one time! I hope it brings in some Iowa Fans!
We have so much work cut out for us! Have talked to some of the bar owners/managers and they are gearing up for the big event! I know I can't wait to see the turn out! I know it has been so hot out lately, but I am hoping for nice weather the day of the ride! Meeting old friends and getting to know some new ones!
Want to tell everyone thank you so much for the support that you have given us over the last 5-6 years! We couldn't of made this possibly without your help. And thanks all the committee members old & new, there is no way that the planning of this ride could of happened with out any of your help!! Oh another person that I want to thank is Kathy at Personali~Tees in Humboldt! I know its her business of shirts but she has been AWESOME to work with! I am sure that it isn't easy some days for her or us, we but we work through it together!! THANK THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Well until next stop... Ride safe, and remember early detection saves lives!
"TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT" Make a difference in others lives!
~~Angel Ride Girl
Monday, June 25, 2012
Time is Ticking away!
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Angels Have Been BUSY!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Life... do we really know the out come?
Ok I know this blog was start to keep everyone "abreast" of our motor cycle ride to raise funds for local breast cancer patients... But tonight I am going another way... off the beaten path, so to speak...
These last couple weeks have been hard at times... Just found out that my aunt has been very sick, then this week to find out she has cancer of the liver. Tonight I went to see her in hospices, knowing that it would be the very last time I would see her alive was so hard. Her body was there, but her spit fire spirit was not. Being a small framed women with a southern accent, good cook & a great person inside & out! I know she will be missed by so many people when she leaves this world.
As I listened to her daughters talk, my aunt had breast cancer years ago. Not many knew about it, or lets say I didn't know about it until a year or so ago. One wonders if the breast cancer that started years ago, was this the reason that she is suffering now too? Even tho that it is in another part of her body, some say it can be still classified as breast cancer. She went through treatments and you would think that everything was good, but as I watched her lay there, I wanted so much to ask why, why is this happening? It makes no sense at all to me, why one person that is so good has to suffer so much, AND why there are criminals out there that take other people lives that live a healthy life? I don't think we will every know the answer to these questions, or the fact that this should of been caught faster than it was.
Then when I hear how some people think that they are so "holy-er" than others, judging people by what they wear for clothes, what they drive, or the piercing or tattoos that they have. Is it the fact of all these things? Or should it be what is inside a person? I have tattoos, and hope that no one judges me by them, some can be seen if I want them to be seen, other wise no one notices them. I look at it as art, not "oh a dirty person..."
My thought for tonight as I finish my "standing on my soap box", is please be kind to others, as you don't know what they are going through, they can be smiling on the outside, but inside crying. No one knows what the out come of life will bring us, just Thank God that you wake up every day and pray when you go to sleep that you will awake in the morning to another glorious day (even tho the weather maybe bad, or work sucks) it is another day to be alive!
This is another reason that early detection can save lives, and keep getting checked. If you know something isn't right inside & doctors are not giving you the answers you think you need it is your given right to get a second option!
Please get your checkups & Be safe out there~
~~ Angel Ride Girl~~
Saturday, May 19, 2012
As the Memorial Day is coming up so fast, its hard to believe that summer is just around the bend! This year so far the weather has been overly nice! Having the windows open & listening to the birds wake you up in the morning is so nice!! Also hearing the sounds of motorcycles off in the distances makes you want to be out on the open road with the wind blowing through your hair!
I am also hoping that everyone is safe while they ride or drive. Heard on the radio the other day if a motorcycle is a less then a block away from you that if you hold up a pencil that it will block out the bike from your sight. Doesn't make any sense, but it is true! The other day a 75 year old man was killed on his bike when a car hit him from behind. What a horrible thing to happen. So sad for the family. You hear of many accidents on bikes, and it is sad that it has to happen and you wonder why too. I know from where I live I see kids (of all ages) racing up and down our high way, at high rates of speed, and have witness some pulling wheelies as they are going at these high rate of speed.I pray that no one pulls out and hits them, or that they don't hit loose gravel as they would not be able to have any control of their bike.
You may ask why am I so down tonight... well next weekend is the JJ Bonnell Memorial Ride... It'll be our 1st poker run of the year of many! Last year there were so many cycle accidents on, during, and after these rides. I am just hoping that everyone watches out when they go on these rides, whether it be the cars or other cycles!
Now on a note about the Angel Ride! We are getting our shirts in! The colors of the shirts are sapphire blue & black! We got hoodies too! The strappies will be coming in soon! We are selling them at Party Productions and will get some into Community Tap here in Ft Dodge! The shirts are pretty neat this year!
I am still seeing the years prior shirts too & it is awesome seeing people wear them! I know I have one of each year since it started! And love wearing them! So when you get your shirts, don't just wear them on the ride, WEAR THEM WITH PRIDE!
Thanks for following me on my blog. I hope to write more as it gets closer!
Take Care~ Ride Safe~ Angel Ride Girl
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The Angels have been busy!
The weather outside has been amazing! Getting warmer, and the flowers have been blooming for a couple months now! Having the windows open is a plus as I can hear the motorcycles drive past the house! I just hope that when everyone is out on the road that they watch out for the bikes! Don't like to hear of any accidents!
WOW! The Angel Ride "Angels" have been busy! We are getting the new shirts and many other 'new' items to sell! Seems like we get more & more ideas from the people that we meet too!
We went out to the Crossroads Mall here in Ft Dodge, to sell things at the Women's Expo! Got a great place to set up, as when you walked into the front doors there was a 4' pink ribbon that could be seen a long ways away! It was a fun Saturday morning! The guys there were running the music gave us some good ideas, and one even wore a headband with pink breast cancer ribbons bouncing on top & a pink boa!! "Real Mean Do Wear PINK!"
Our helpers are out on the beaten path trying to get donations for our July 14th ride. So if you have any donations, please get a hold of a committee member!
In June we are going to be busy for the first couple weeks! Hope that some of you stop by these places to say HI!
June 2nd is the kick off to the FRONTIERS DAY PARADE here in Dodge! We will be in the parade, and some of the 'Angels' will be selling baked goods (fruit too) at the parade at Sneakers Pub on central! They will also be selling shirts too!
FRIDAY June 8th there is going to be a "GARAGE SALE" at Community Tap 2026 5th Ave So Ft Dodge noon to dark! With the band Salty View playing! If anyone wants to donate "GOOD" used items for the garage sale please contact Sally or Mycheal at Community 515-955-3132
ALSO on June 8th some of the Angels will be out to Mineral City Speedway 6-?? selling shirts and items for the kids (Pink of course!) Should have some kid shirts in to sell too!
Then we wake up to Saturday June 9th at KUM & GO 115 No 22nd St in Ft Dodge, a friend of mine set up a car wash with all proceeds going to the Angel Ride!
We have such awesome people out there wanting to help this cause! And so many people need these funds too! So we are so happy to have these chances to do 'new' and exciting events!
One last thing before I sign off for the night, we are also doing a "CHAIRS FOR CHARITY". A couple years ago we did the "Bras for the Cause" this year I am asking people to make "Chairs" they can be theme chairs such as football teams, wild life, school chairs, what ever they come up with, THE ONLY THING IS... I want each chair to have a pink ribbon on it some where some how! And please everyone that is making a chair, please sign the bottom of the chair so we know who it is from, or sign the top, just want you to be known for your chair! Right now we have kids chairs, small tables, and regular chairs being made! Let your ideas go wild!! When you get the chairs painted, please upload your picture to the ANGEL RIDE TO SAVE THE TATAS ~~FACEBOOK PAGE!!! This way we can let others see how they look!
We will be placing a chair at each of the stops to have them raffle off the chair, or how ever they want to do it! With all the funds coming back for the Angel Ride cause! I know I can't wait to see how they all turn out!
Thanks again for supporting the Angel Ride... We can't do it without your help!
"Together we can do it"
Ride Safe~ Angel Ride Girl
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Getting the plans going!!
Can you believe how nice the weather is this year? I hear bikes out on the roads for weeks now & it is only March 24, 2012! But the grass is green and things are starting to bloom, so the bikers are getting the itch to ride including me, but we haven't had the bike out yet... YET!
We have got the 2012 ANGEL RIDE date set! July 14, 2012 starting at Community Tap & Pizza at 9-11am! The ride will to to Rockwell City, Sac City, Newell, Fonda, Manson and back to Community Tap by 5pm for silent & live auctions, food & fun! Oh and there is always entertainment going on! Fun to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones!!
But before we start the ride on the 14th lets back up a day FRIDAY JULY 13th for the pre-party/registration night! Yes, Friday the 13th, we don't think of it as a bad luck day, think of it as "PINK LUCK"! It is going to be held at Sneakers Pub & Eatery here in Ft Dodge, there will be a band playing 7-11pm that night and a chance to sign up for the ride early!
We have the shirts designs coming soon, it will be an awesome one, as always!! We will have new things for sale, such as window decals for cars & smaller ones for bikes! I will keep you posted as we get the new items in as to what they are!!! I can't wait, fun & exciting new ideas!!
OH, please save the date for June 8th, 2012 Community Tap will be hosting a garage sale for us on the corner of South 22nd St & 5th Ave! If you live in this area, and are wanting to get rid of your loved items that you no longer want or use, please consider donating them to our ANGEL RIDE GARAGE SALE! Should be a big sale like it was last year! And all the money that we raise goes to help the local breast cancer patients with uninsured expenses, such as scarves, wigs, travel expenses!!!
Safe Travel to you my friends~
Angel Ride Girl
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